Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I took Western Civilization and Natural Sciences last Friday.
I passed both of them with a score of 60 on each test.
Well it's 9 more credits,
now I have 32 credits total and I've been taking CLEP tests for 8 months.
I'm prepping for Analyzing and Interpreting Literature.
It's a whole lot of poems, old English and other goodies that I have not done lots of reading in.
I have 3 weeks from the time I last took my last 2 tests to prep for it,
if I pass it it's 6 more credits.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sorry for the long time between posts.
I took the tests,
I got 56 for Biology, 51 on US History 2, 58 for Information and Computing and 49 for Macro Ecomics.
I failed Micro Economics, I'm guilty of not balancing my workload and overall not studying enough...
Anyways this Friday I'm taking Natural Sciences and Western Civ 2.
I'm very confident in Natural Sciences,
not extremely in Western Civ but I'm 90% sure I'll pass.
If I pass both of them then it's 32 college credits in 8 months and I'm still 17.

If you have not visited,
check out my CLEP website!