Sunday, December 5, 2010

More tests to take.

I have not posted an update for a while but I've taken some more CLEP tests and am hoping to get my AA sooner than later. I currently have 43 credits and am only a half dozen or so CLEP/Dantes/Etc. tests from getting my AA. I am debating if I should go for another 2 years worth of college. I have a few other conflicting ideas of what to do as a career, I will however continue to go forward with my current goal of getting my bachelors degree(something within business, I may scrap it and go for agriculture because it's more up my alley).

Friday, June 25, 2010

And now it's math, this is going to be fun....

Apparently after not touching math for almost 2 years,
I barely remember Algebra enough to get anywhere.
(Yet I like coding what's up with that ?!?!?)
So I am going to buildup my math skills(that I never had much of)
so I can take the Pre Calc CLEP to satisfy my lower level math for my AA.
That's really other than English Comp is stopping me from getting it,
everything else should be a easy joke...

If I would have known about Clep when I was 16 and not 17 I could have earned my AA before I was 18, but, well, I would have been even more of an oddity and enough people think it's weird testing out of college as it is.......
I am prepping for Human Growth and Development,
it's a mix of simple Physiology, Sociology(I think),
and Biology.
I've already taken Biology,
Educational Physiology(ugh) and Sociology so it's not bad.
I am also taking Introductory to Business Law,
it's okay not easy but not bad.....
I've prepped for a month and should have been around 70% ready to test,
but I'm unfortunately far from being very disciplined and usually freak-out and cram last minute.
So since I have around 3 more weeks until I test I'm trying to spread out the study.

I do a lot of projects that tend to interfere with my study,
plants, fish, aquaponics, 3d this and that, electronics the list goes on and on....

I think my Mom would kill me if I started a UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) with Arduino
(a very nice open source microcontroller),
but I really want to do one, maybe this fall after I finish my other projects.

Friday, May 14, 2010

I Killed Analyzing and Interpreting Literature!

It's dead,
one month of prep, some initial scare from it's poetry and "ye hard to understand english",
however I passed with a 61(an A!).
It was the easiest test to prep for,if you read a good amount,
breeze over REA's book for the test and have a head on your shoulders you should pass.

I lack the life experience since I'm 17 so after understanding what the literacy devices are,
some words like idom, satire, simile, paradox and such....

I read the poems included in the REA book just so I got somewhat used to reading them,
and took the included tests(I scored like a scaled score of 55 on both of them).

Basically buy the book for $20,
readit, make sure you know what most of the words mean,
take your time during the test, read it out loud(really helped me!) and pass it.

I for the last two of the 4 weeks basically just memorized the literacy terms because honestly there wasn't much to prep for and I already read the whole REA book almost twice..

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I took Western Civilization and Natural Sciences last Friday.
I passed both of them with a score of 60 on each test.
Well it's 9 more credits,
now I have 32 credits total and I've been taking CLEP tests for 8 months.
I'm prepping for Analyzing and Interpreting Literature.
It's a whole lot of poems, old English and other goodies that I have not done lots of reading in.
I have 3 weeks from the time I last took my last 2 tests to prep for it,
if I pass it it's 6 more credits.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sorry for the long time between posts.
I took the tests,
I got 56 for Biology, 51 on US History 2, 58 for Information and Computing and 49 for Macro Ecomics.
I failed Micro Economics, I'm guilty of not balancing my workload and overall not studying enough...
Anyways this Friday I'm taking Natural Sciences and Western Civ 2.
I'm very confident in Natural Sciences,
not extremely in Western Civ but I'm 90% sure I'll pass.
If I pass both of them then it's 32 college credits in 8 months and I'm still 17.

If you have not visited,
check out my CLEP website!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Test Date

I finally got the date scheduled,
it's the 6th of March.
I'm taking Biology,
Introductory to Macro Economics,
Computing and Information Systems,
and US History 2.
Well wish me luck,

Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome to my College Blog

I made this blog to document my college education.
So far I have been taking CLEP tests and have earned a good amount of college credit for my Associate of Arts Degree.
Here is my website about taking CLEP tests to earn college credit.

So far I have taken these subjects, listed in order.
Introductory to Sociology and Microeconomics
(6 credits)

Introductory to Educational Physiology and US History 1
(6 more credits)

12 credits in 4 months isn't bad,
I'm going for more though since I want to get my "AA" quickly.
Planning on as of January 31st, 2010.
US History
Computing and Information Systems
(13 more credits. Wish me luck!)


Update! 1/25/2010
My friend who I go with to Honolulu to test with is putting it off for 4 to 6 weeks to polish off
college algebra.
My vision is bad so I try to go with somebody,
I'm going to prep for Macro Economics and maybe take a DANTES on top of the 3 I'm ready to test for. I'm going see if I can take a different friend with me since I know how this testing thing works.

That would allow me to forget what I know then prep for a few more tests to go with the first friend who has to delay his testing.

At this rate maybe I can get my AA before I'm 18,
I've got to talk to Excelsior soon so I can turn my credits into a degree.