Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hydroponically Grown Rhubarb in the Tropics!

  (reintroduction since my college blog basically says take CLEP and DSST then profit !)

  Hi my name is Josh, I'm 20, I've grown carnivorous plants, and done several other random hobbies along with college (and I don't grow pot like many conclude when I say I like growing stuff.)
But I do grow flowerings plants that bear fruit such as tomatoes. Ironically I do find references from pot growing forums to be rather useful although somewhat on the (hippy) neurotic side of things at times. I've started a blog before, therefore consider this one to be updated sporadically, and only when interesting things happen. But if you like rhubarb and find that you must grow in in warmer weather such as Hawaii then maybe my experience will help. Or maybe they do grow in soil but it's never worked for me.

  Anyways onto rhubarb and not the culinary aspects of it. (Why would you be here if you can't tolerate oxalic acid?) I have scoured online for growing rhubarb in the tropics. I found one guy who was hydroponically growing rhubarb in malta but he didn't reply. I don't like bashing but this website; Farming Geek is rather misleading. I honestly I think it is plainy an article to generate revenue, and traffic.

"Rhubarbs are among the most challenging plants to grow on hydroponics farm basically because they are cold climate perennials. Once successful though, you can expect good results due to the fact that alternative farming benefits outweigh their downsides. Basically, all you need to avoid is the temperature spike that is more than capable of killing the plants. ... Although quite challenging, (no it doesn't seem to be for small systems. Apply common sense and reading will make it easy) you can expect a lot of benefits from this type of farming method which utilizes various systems. (Agreed, it has a lot of benefits, not that I'm that I am ordained to agree or disagree)"

  Unlike what the article says it happens to grow in a 1 gallon
white food container for months in the sun in the tropics of Hawai'i (specifically in Paauilo on the Hamaukua Coast). Not as fast as it could have been (once moved to the 5 gallon bucket things changed but perhaps it was just natural progression), but it worked with an airstone bubbling about and 5 ML per gallon of Flora Nova Grow. I also managed to kill a bunch of seedlings in my organic raised garden beds, that's irrelevant since I have not gather much information to see if hydroponics truly makes rhubarb grow where it normally cannot; although I think it does. I wish I had a picture but showing merely an old empty container with hole in it's lid isn't worth it.

Back to my initial stage, I had a few seedlings indoors under an LED light (I also thought about growing indoors under a Rebel ES array, I blame reef keeping for that thought) and I did more research on growing cool weather crops in the tropics and found an article written by some rather bright individuals :  Issues 91:Chilling the Root Zone. From that article and a few others I concluded that chilling the root zone might be able to get my precious rhubarb to grow in my climate.  Being that I live at the 500 foot elevation in Hawaii, specifically on Hamakua Coast in the town of Paauilo, it's warm, hits 80F in the days, and doesn't get past 70% humidity when it's hot. Being one who over thinks everything I thought about peltier cooling, then compressor cooling, a thermodynamic engine (specifically a sterling engine), then finding an alternative power source to power it (which is far from affordable, thus why the  photovoltaic(?)industry isn't so hot). Or if I were rich I'd just buy an aquarium chiller and call it fixed :) In the end placing a computer fan on an empty pot hole, then letting the porous pumice get wet from popping bubbles and becoming an evaporative cooling pad worked fine

I'll add more but in the end the plant you see is a 5 day old photo that's already being dwarfed by new growth. Maybe it's the Maxigrow I just started foliar feeding and adding the the nutrient solution.
I have a 25 gallon container with a lid along with a simple design for a better method for evaporation cooling.  I'll be upping my nutrient solution strength to 10 ML a gallon from my current 8ML. Also I have some bright red rhubarb seedlings I'll be adding along with this plant. Furthermore I will try to acquire some completely green ones for the heck of it. I'll update shortly. Not that I'm very knowledgeable but if you have any questions please ask me. I have kept a reef tank for years, I keep garden, and am not totally clueless. But I enjoy erring on the side of "I do not know" then being a "know it all" :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Currently I have 59 credits(I'm out around $3,000 for my education) and I am almost 19.
Straighterline is what I'm working with now.
Simply you pay $39 per course(an initial fee), and $100 per month. Finish a course within 6 months(you can finish one in a month easily enough) and you earn 3 credits. Sign up for as many courses as you want, finish them as quickly as you want.

Anyways I am doing Accounting 1(the material for accounting is nice, along with youtube), Precalculus, and English composition. They are my least favored subjects, and are a total pain to do.
However when they are done I can move onto my more desirable subjects that require far less effort on my end. I'll hopefully have my bachelor's degree well before I am 22.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Financial Accounting

Well I'm taking financial accounting as a CLEP.
It's not horrible, lots of terminology, and in the end simplistic math with a good amount of simple formulas to remember. I've got 3 weeks to study for it,
I"m working for my father almost everyday (Minus Sunday) for a month straight so it's going to be interesting, but I've done it before.
So right now I have 50 credits, I need a few(two? I think) core CLEPs and Straighter Line courses to get my AA. But I want to kill as much as I can of my Bachelors so I'm Clepping out of that right now.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sorry for the long span without updates.
Lots of stuff has been happening.....
Anyways I just got home from Honolulu.
Got up a 4 AM, went to Kona, did special eye Dr. appointments with a portion of my family.
I took 4 CLEP tests back to back in 2 hours, well minus a restroom break and a sip of Starbucks.

The tests were Intro to MacroEconomics, Intro to Management, Intro to Marketing and Human Growth and Development.
I scored upper 50s to the upper 60's for the first three,
I forgot my exact test scores and I'm too lazy to dredge out my score papers right now.

Four days before the tests I realized I haven't studied much(work for Dad's business for $$ and lots of other work to keep my keep at the house, Ah the joy of 18). When I took the Peterson tests(they were down for a long time so I never checked them) I scored much lower than I wanted.

Petersons tests are about as hard or harder than the actual CLEPs, they compliment(are great for filling holes and learning things not mentioned otherwise) the REA books and InstaCert.
To add to my doubts my friend who wishes to be a CPA eventually barely based Macroeconomics and 8 months ago I failed(I took 4 CLEPs that day too) by 1 point previously with a score of 49.

The last minute cramming worked and I scored higher than I've done ever before on CLEP tests.
(I've never hit 60 before)

For the last test however, Human Growth and Development I failed by 2 points, a score of 48.
I didn't know it well enough, the REA book didn't have enough for my particular version of the test and with a day more of prepping with Petersons I would have more than likely scored slightly more than enough to pass.
Finally I didn't pick the book up for a few weeks, never did any recent testing and thought I knew the material well enough...

I've hit the conclusion you shouldn't do more than 3 CLEPs in a day and finally you shouldn't think you know it, or take a test on with deteriorated or incomplete knowledge.

In the end I'm happy, I earned 9 credits and have over 50 credits now.
Although they aren't in the correct areas for a AA so I need to take a couple more choice CLEPs and/or do some other courses to get my degree.

By the way if you want petersons tests, go here ......
In the end you get free, accurate practice tests for CLE :-)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

More tests to take.

I have not posted an update for a while but I've taken some more CLEP tests and am hoping to get my AA sooner than later. I currently have 43 credits and am only a half dozen or so CLEP/Dantes/Etc. tests from getting my AA. I am debating if I should go for another 2 years worth of college. I have a few other conflicting ideas of what to do as a career, I will however continue to go forward with my current goal of getting my bachelors degree(something within business, I may scrap it and go for agriculture because it's more up my alley).

Friday, June 25, 2010

And now it's math, this is going to be fun....

Apparently after not touching math for almost 2 years,
I barely remember Algebra enough to get anywhere.
(Yet I like coding what's up with that ?!?!?)
So I am going to buildup my math skills(that I never had much of)
so I can take the Pre Calc CLEP to satisfy my lower level math for my AA.
That's really other than English Comp is stopping me from getting it,
everything else should be a easy joke...

If I would have known about Clep when I was 16 and not 17 I could have earned my AA before I was 18, but, well, I would have been even more of an oddity and enough people think it's weird testing out of college as it is.......
I am prepping for Human Growth and Development,
it's a mix of simple Physiology, Sociology(I think),
and Biology.
I've already taken Biology,
Educational Physiology(ugh) and Sociology so it's not bad.
I am also taking Introductory to Business Law,
it's okay not easy but not bad.....
I've prepped for a month and should have been around 70% ready to test,
but I'm unfortunately far from being very disciplined and usually freak-out and cram last minute.
So since I have around 3 more weeks until I test I'm trying to spread out the study.

I do a lot of projects that tend to interfere with my study,
plants, fish, aquaponics, 3d this and that, electronics the list goes on and on....

I think my Mom would kill me if I started a UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) with Arduino
(a very nice open source microcontroller),
but I really want to do one, maybe this fall after I finish my other projects.